Best WordPress Wiki Themes

Are you fantasizing about an anime? Do you like the latest action movies? Do you want to know more about the fictional worlds behind them? Do you want to know more about them? Then what are you waiting for?


Download and install WordPress, and go make yourself a Wiki. Oh you already have a Wiki? Then let us cut right to the chase, this is indeed the best-compiled list of WordPress Wiki Themes available. Although you might not like the fact that most of these are premium themes, you can still take a demo and get yourself acquainted with the whole look and feel of the theme. Each and every one of these themes is designed to allow the visitors focus on the content. These WordPress Wiki Themes are designed using minimalistic principals.


So you don’t have to worry about something crossing your screen, or obscuring your vision. As you know that Wikis are made to share content, these WordPress Wiki Themes are here to help you do just that. You can have the Wiki up and running in no time. Although, you have been running a wiki for a very long time, these themes might change your perspective about Wiki designs.


Let go of your previous beliefs and learnt stuff. Take a look through the list. Maybe you’ll find the theme you had been looking for a very long time, and you finally give your Wiki that long awaited makeover. Go ahead, hope you find what you are looking for.



Wordpress Wiki Themes


This month’s Top Best WordPress Wiki Themes:

Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base is is a Premium WordPress Theme for Wiki and Knowledge Base Websites. Knowledge Base is perfect solution for any product or support service. It is fast and easy to set up. Knowledge Base is clean and intuitive responsive design with lots of features such as live search faq posts, contact form, custom widgets, shortcodes and many more.

Knowledge Base Theme


Flatbase is a responsive WordPress theme suitable for Knowledgebase or Wiki sites. Flatbase comes with built-in pages such as FAQ, Forum, KB and many more. It also supports bbPress for social engagement.

Flatbase Theme

For the Full list of our top themes for this category, Check them out below:

Top 10+ Best Wordpress Wiki Themes 2013


If you have any suggestions for awesome themes, please leave us a message below or contact us directly. It will help us to serve you better. Thanks!

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