
Divi is the smartest and most flexible theme packed with The Divi Builder that allows you to create beautiful layouts from scratch. Divi is Responsive and comes with Premade Layouts to fit customers’ most popular needs: Business, Commerce, Portfolio, and Blog.
Divi ships with a contact page, a project case study, a blog, portfolio, and shop to get you started
Divi is built on a strong foundation of powerful features that give you complete creative control over how you build your website.
Divi Theme
Theme Features:

  • The Divi Builder

The Divi Builder allows you to create beautiful layouts from scratch, use premade layouts, and lets you design fully responsive websites from a diverse collection of modules that ship with the theme.

  • Premade Layouts

Divi ships with 10 premade layouts that allow you to create beautiful websites with ease. These are completely customizable and can be used as a great starting point for creating your own.

  • Responsive Design

Divi is wonderfully responsive no matter how you choose to build out your webpages. Each and every building block ships with the ability to transform to and look beautiful on every web device.

  • Theme Options

The ePanel theme options allows you to toggle on and off features, adjust your layout, manage advertisements, control colors, optimize for search engines and more! ePanel integrates with the WordPress Dashboard and will appear automatically.

  • Unlimited Colors

Using the Theme Customizer and Custom Background Images.
[button-red url=”http://www.onwpthemes.com/go/divi-demo/” target=”_blank” position=”left”] View Demo [/button-red][button-red url=”http://www.onwpthemes.com/go/divi-download/” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download Now [/button-red]

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