
DailyMag is a responsive magazine style theme with a beautiful reading experience and mobile friendly approach. DailyMag has 7 different layouts to display articles, and you can put your best articles at the top of the page with featured content. It also offers article recommendations function for the users. You can choose over 600 fonts from Google Web Fonts with Typecase plugin. DailyMag is optimized for readability and social media-friendly.

DailyMag theme
Theme Features:

• Optimized for readability
DailyMag uses beautiful headlines to draw readers in and readable body copy to keep them hanging on every word.

• Customizable layouts
Display articles in many different ways with 7 layouts to choose from. Each can be applied across your website or per article.

• Increased engagement
DailyMag offers article recommendations when the user finishes reading a post, keeping them engaged and on your site.

• Language Support
DailyMag supports right-to-left languages and localizes all text throughout the theme.

• Customizable Colors
Select from our pre-defined color schemes or pick your own colors.

• Social Media-Friendly
Social media links can be added to both the header and the footer.

• Customizable Header
Customize the header text or add your own logo.

• Customizable Fonts
Using our Typecase plugin, choose from over 600 fonts from Google Web Fonts.

• Mobile-Friendly
It is responsive and designed for use with mobile devices.

• 5 Widget Zones
With two sidebars and three footer widget zones, you can add widgets anywhere.

• Posts by Category Widget
This useful custom widget makes it easy to feature posts from certain categories.

• Infinite Scroll
Supporting Jetpack’s Infinite Scroll, making it easy to scan articles and read more.

• Featured Content
Feature your best articles at the top of the page with Featured Content from Jetpack.

• Reading Progress Indicator
Readers can easily see how much of an article remains with our reading progress bar at the bottom of the user’s screen.

[button-red url=”http://www.onwpthemes.com/go/DailyMag-demo/” target=”_blank” position=”left”] View Demo [/button-red][button-red url=”http://www.onwpthemes.com/go/DailyMag-download/” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Download Now [/button-red]